Bespoke Wire Tree for Mike & Maddy

Bespoke Wire Tree for Mike & Maddy

Bespoke Wire Sculpture Tree for a Silver Wedding Anniversary.

As you know my world was a blur through March and April. Well while I spent my days feeling sorry for myself Mr A kept himself busy playing with wire and created this bespoke wire tree!

The 4th image is before sand & glue was added to the tray and painted with India Ink to create the soil and grass look.

And this email from the client just makes what we do totally worthwhile! 🙂

Maddy saw the grand unveiling tonight through slightly misty eyes and has not stopped looking at it since.

She keeps moving it from place to place to try out all the contrasts with walls and light to see where its lustre and sparkle are best.

It’s fair to say she really loves it. It’s a very special addition to our home, our lives and our story.

Thank you for all your and David’s magic. You’ve really started our anniversary celebrations perfectly.

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