Felt Beads are so much fun!
I can never thank Eve Marshall enough for introducing me to them 🙂
There have been a few stressful going ons recently… the type that really put my back up and want to get the claws out. But thanks to the calming influence of Mr A and a friend who knows me too well no damage done!
I was ready for war, instead I spent my Sunday doing mostly nothing at all, relaxing in the garden with the dogs. When I say mostly nothing at all its because I am not the type to sit still for long. So I brought out my felt bead making kit from Eve Marshall, a flask of hot water and a paper plate.
So what next? When I made these beads I had no idea what I would do with them. I knew wire would be involved but not a lot more. In the back of my mind was a Carnival theme Design of the Week Contest that runs regularly on Facebook. But what the design was going to be was quite hazy in my head.
So I got the copper wire out and just doodled a bit. I know what I am doing now but its not ready yet. Hopefully it will be by end of the week. For now this is a necklace in making. By the time I finish who knows! Its a totally new design and style, I have only made brooches & earrings with felt beads before.
Watch this space!