… and Ages. My latest design guru is eight… well he is ALMOST NINE!
I met up with my friend Nadine & her son Little B for a coffee in town yesterday. Little B & I are crystal mates. He is mad about crystals and rocks and that’s how we first became friends. We were at a pamper evening in Yaxley, Peterborough just over a year ago with our rough rocks and tumblestones. Little B got chatting with Dave and we were amazed at his knowledge of stones. He could recognise all the rocks on display. Needless to say we had our little assistant for the evening and he helped pack things up at the end of the show. We have kept in touch and his mum and I have become friends too.
So yesterday we talked rocks and went through his little crystal book looking at his latest favourite stones and the ones he wants. I am sure some can be arranged from our stock. He is coming to the September Craft show at the Arts Centre. He will of course be giving Dave a hint that he will be 9 soon and needs to expand his collection to go with his advanced years!
Then we got talking about wire trees. He wanted to know if I can make little crystal trees with Rose quartz on them. Similar to this one but smaller. The idea has now taken hold in my head and I will be trying out some new miniature crystal trees soon.
And then he asked if I could make things with tumblestones. I don’t think jewellery was on his mind but something more exciting like animal and insect shapes… Watch this space!
So I spent a lovely morning with two lovely people and came back with new ideas. Fabulous!
I also gave Little B some wire and beads to play with and this is just amazing! via Nadine on twitter. I might be out of a job soon!
Looks like Little B is an Artisan already, it’s amazing how much we can learn from the younger generation and vice versa.
Hi Sue, Little B is an amazing young man! In fact he has introduced us to some stones we didn’t work with or know of before.
You are so right about learning from the younger generation. It’s great and so refreshing!
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